• Media

  • Talks

    Multi-Story project presentation and screening of The Apology, PROJECT PROTECT PROTEST – Activism summit, Project Arts Centre, Dec 2022.


    ‘This Must Be the Place’ – artist talk, RHA Gallery, Oct ’22. https://rhagallery.ie/archive-talks/


    ‘Participation: Making Community in Contemporary Irish Arts’, University of Rennes, France, 25 Nov ’21.


    ‘The Importance of the Arts Post-Pandemic’, Panel member with Roddy Doyle and Annemarie Ní Churreáin at TASC, 20th Anniversary Event, RIA Dublin, 11 Nov ’21. Watch at: https://www.facebook.com/TASCthinktank/videos/319045556324875/ 


    ‘Arts as DNA’, panel member during ‘A Homebaked kinda day’ moderated by Jeanne van Heeswijk, online, 27 Feb ’21. Watch at: https://homebaked.org.uk/nowhere/media_publications/ 


    ‘Care as a Radical Act’ panel member at Create Networking Day, online, 9 Dec ’20. Watch at: https://www.create-ireland.ie/publication/care-as-a-radical-act-networking-day-2020-subtitled/


    ‘The Textual Trace – Writing and Socially Engaged Practice’, Fiona Whelan and Gretchen Coombs in conversation hosted by Create, 2020. Watch at: https://www.create-ireland.ie/publication/the-textual-trace-writing-and-socially-engaged-practice-fiona-whelan-and-gretchen-coombs-in-conversation/


    ‘“Rip the Script”: Performing/Witnessing Natural History of Hope’ (with Kevin Ryan as Two Fuse) at The Sexual Politics of Freedom, The Irish Centre for Human Rights, School of Law – NUIG, 17 Sep. ’20


    ‘Reconfiguring Systemic Power Relations Through Collective Acts Of Voice And Listening’, conference paper at 5th International Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 3 May 2019.


    Practice and Pedagogy – The Question of Artists’ Formation panel member at Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme: Practice and Power event, The LAB, Dublin 22 June 2018.



    ‘Power and (im)possibility? Socially-engaged art and Cynic practice’ (with Kevin Ryan under collective title ‘Two Fuse’), CAPPE, University of Brighton, 29 May 2018.



    ‘Through the lens of power – an arts based exploration of power relations with young people in Dublin’, iJADE international conference, NCAD, 17 Nov ’17.


    ‘Power and Freedom in the Enterprise Society: “catch up, keep up, get ahead…”’ (with Kevin Ryan NUIG under the collective title ‘Two Fuse’) at The Power of Narrative – RC 36 Interim Conference, University of Pavia, Italy, May 30-31 2017



    ‘Policing Dialogues’ keynote address at New Foundations in Youth Justice event, DIT Grangegorman, 29 June 2017


    ‘Power Three Ways: A Place-Based Methodology’ at Mapping Spectral Traces VIII: The Place of the Wound, Dept of Geography, Maynooth University, 19 October 2016


    ‘A Fair Land Discussion: Social Change through Creative Practice’, Irish Museum of Modern Art, 20 August 2016.


    ‘A Durational, Practice-Based Model of Identifying Learning’ at ‘Creative Research Practices and Alternative Sites of Learning’, UCD College of Social Science, 3 May 2016


    ‘Policing Dialogues; a creative exploration of neighbourhood relations of power’ at ‘The Geographical Turn’, hosted by NUIM Geography Dept, 6 Nov 2015. See: https://geographicalturn.wordpress.com/


    ‘Renegotiating power relationships – Who speaks and who listens?’ at Signal Summer University, Run by CIFAS, Brussels Sep 2015. See: http://www.cifas.be/en/workshops/signal-université-dété


    ‘How can you explain the 
complexities of collaboration?’, a presentation and performed reading, hosted by PS² as part of the UK wide series ‘ARTWORKS Conversation’ by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, New Lodge Youth centre, Belfast, March 15 http://pssquared.org/conversations.php


    ‘Territory, Encounter & Negotiation: Speaking truth to power and the politics of listening’, conference paper at ‘A Field in the Making, The Second Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference’, Maynooth University, March ‘15 (See https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/news-events/irish-narrative-inquiry-conference-maynooth-university-19-20-march-2015 )


    ‘Power three ways’ at ‘Territory, Encounter & Negotiation Galway’ on the occasion of the launch of TEN organised by Para-Institution in partnership with the Community Knowledge Initiative, NUI Galway and GMIT with this key presentation by Fiona Whelan and another by Megan Johnston, (Curator, Educator and Director of the Model, Sligo), GMIT CCAM Cluain Mhuire, Jan 15 (see http://www.fionawhelan.com/event/territory-encounter-negotiation-galway/ )


    ‘Performative readings (mis)readings of a shared practice’ at ‘Territory, Encounter and Negotiation – Collaborative Practice in a Youth Work Context’ on the occasion of the launch of TEN, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Oct 14 (See http://www.fionawhelan.com/event/ten-seminar-book-launch/ )


    ‘Who is listening?’ at ‘Performing Power’ seminar, Dublin Castle, July 14


    ‘Durational Dialogues, an interdisciplinary exploration of power and policing’ at ‘Pathways to Interdisciplinarity, Creative Praxis and Digital Humanities Research’ University College Dublin, June 13


    ‘Who shall speak is less crucial than who will listen’ at ‘Art & Activism: Dialogical Art Practice as a form of Activism’, The LAB, Dublin, May 13


    ‘Representing young people; voice, image, practice, power’, International Youth Studies conference, Maynooth University, June 12


    ‘Arts Practice and Collaborative Learning’ at Kultur Agenten conference; ‘Participation, Collaboration & Intervention’, Berlin, June 12


    ‘The potential of a cross sector art project’ during international conference; ‘Radius of Art: Creative politicization of the public sphere’, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Berlin, Feb 12


    ‘Policing Dialogues’ Presentation during Engage international conference; ‘Work in Progress; Artists, Education and Participation’, Margate UK, Nov 11


    ‘What’s at Stake?’ during conference; ‘Demanding Conversations – Socially Engaged Arts Practice in a changing political climate’ Bristol, UK, 22 Sep 10




    ‘IMMA presents What Does He Need?’, in Art Daily, 28 March 2022. See: https://artdaily.com/news/144980/IMMA-presents-What-Does-He-Need-?fbclid=IwAR0Zb978kYg6Te-ZaP2ggllRT4dbGk6jdc_aoHQaBSZWbXF3q6xEzdmUB1A#.YkGT42TTXDs


    ‘Hard-hitting performance imagines housing apology’, RTÉ News, 21 Feb. 2022.


    ‘Art group to perform imagined apology from the Taoiseach for the Housing Crisis’, The Journal, 21 Feb. 2022.


    ‘New public artworks explores what influences modern masculinity’, Enda O’ Dowd, Irish Times, 24 May 2021 See https://www.whatdoesheneed.com/media/


    Report on What Does He Need? By: Della Kilroy, Drive Time, RTÉ Radio 1, 24 May 2021


    ‘A Poem, Co-Written by Young Men, Reveals What Shapes Their Lives’ By: Stephanie Costello, Dublin Inquirer, 7 April 2021 See https://dublininquirer.com/2021/04/07/a-poem-co-written-by-young-men-reveals-what-shapes-their-lives


    Charlotte McIvor (project description/review) ‘What Does He Need?’ in ‘…the lives we live’, Grangegorman Public Art publication, 2021


    Simon Barker (book review of Freedom?) The European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology  Vol 6 (4), Nov 19


    Declan McGonagle (book review of Freedom?) Community Development Journal, 2018, Oxford University Press


    Fiona Woods, ‘A Radical Performance of World-Making’ (book review of Freedom?), Journal of Political Power, 2018, 11(3), 438-441.


    Kevin Gildea, ‘Freedom?’ by Two Fuse review: A handbook towards change, Irish Times, 9 June 2018.



    Gerry Kearns, Enduring Place, Klaxon 6 – For an inclusive city, published by CIFAS, Brussels, 2017.



    ‘When feminism met real working-class lives in Rialto’, Feature on Natural History of Hope by Sara Keating, Irish Times, 28 June 2016.


    Download Irish Times feature here.


    http://www.fionawhelan.com/shop/RTE Arena11 May 2016

    Abie Philbin Bowman interviews Fiona Whelan, Gillian O Connor and Audrey Wade about the live performance ‘Natural History of Hope’ at Project Arts Centre.


    Puremzine.com 15 May 2016

    Review of Natural History of Hope.



    Nomoreworkshorse.com 14 May 2016

    Review of Natural History of Hope.



    Negotiating the territory of socially engaged art, a book review of Fiona Whelan’s 2014 publication ‘TEN’. Review by Megs Morley (2016) , Journal of Political Power, 9:1, 147-152

    Download JPP book review here


    TEN: Territory, Encounter & Negotiation, Book review by Sofia N. Gonzalez-Ayala, Irish Journal of Anthropology Vol. 18(1) 2015 Spring/Summer

    Download IJA book review here


    Project work in conflict situations in socially deprived areas’ Schattenblick Feb 2012

    A review of a presentation by Fiona Whelan during ‘Radius of Art’ conference, Berlin 9th Feb (Article in German)



    Tonight with Vincent Browne, TV3, 28th Sep 2010

    Broadcaster Vincent Browne dedicates an entire show to the ‘Policing Dialogues’ exhibition.


    Platform Ireland, platformireland.ie Oct 2010

    A 5 minute web documentary examining the ‘Policing Dialogues’ exhibition including interviews with members of the collective.


    Today with Pat Kenny, RTE Radio 1, 22nd Sep 2010

    Researcher Paddy O’ Gorman reports on the ‘Policing Dialogues’ exhibition at The LAB.


    The Irish Independent, 24th Sep 2010

    The Independent recommend the ‘Policing Dialogues’ exhibition as part of their ‘critics choice’ section.

    Download Critics Choice listing here


    ‘Young people’s tales of Garda harassment in new exhibition’ The Irish Examiner, 16th Sep 2010

    Juno McEnroe reports on the ‘Policing Dialogues’ exhibition at The LAB

    Download Examiner article here


    The Rialto Network News, Autumn 2010

    The Rialto Network News reports on the ‘Policing Dialogues’ exhibition in The LAB.


    ‘Listening event proves a success between Gardai and youths’, The Irish Times, 7th Dec 2009

    Kitty Holland reports on ‘ The Day in Question’ reading event with Gardai at IMMA:

    Download Irish Times article here


    ‘What’s the Story?’, Visual Artists New Sheet, Mar/April 2009:

    Niall de Buitlear reports on the What’s the Story? Collective public talk in The LAB.


    Y Now, winter 2009

    Micka Byrne and Nichola Whelan describe their experience of the collective’s project involving young people from Lithuania.

    Read Micka and Nichola’s article here




    Boys in the Making: An Arts and Education Programme in Conversation with “the Biology of Adversity and Resilience”’ cowritten with Kevin Ryan as Two Fuse in Journal of Political Power, May 2022.


    ‘What Does He Need? IMMA on what it means to be a man’, RTÉ Culture online, 15 Apr. 2022. See https://www.rte.ie/culture/2022/0404/1290336-what-does-he-need-imma-on-what-it-means-to-be-a-man/?fbclid=IwAR1dBKjHOda4JTZptbD3Ha2Jzrk9M6OlcBNUtGyP-WuBZfIJ4mDVfnGLnbY


    ‘Inside The Apology – artists tackle Ireland’s housing crisis’, RTÉ Culture online, 21 Feb. 2022. See: https://www.rte.ie/culture/2022/0221/1282140-inside-the-project-artists-tackle-irelands-housing-crisis/#:~:text=The%20Apology%2C%20the%20first%20public,and%20provision%20in%20this%20country.


    What Does He Need? – Reflections on a cross-sectorial and transdisciplinary project unfolding in public’

    Journal article in Art & the Public Sphere, Intellect, 2021.


    ‘Maintaining a Critical Approach to Collaborative Art and Youth Work Practice in Neoliberal Times’

    Book chapter co-written with Jim Lawlor, in Arts, Culture and Community Development, Policy Press, 2021, Bristol.


    Reconfiguring Systemic Power Relations – A Collaborative Practice-Based Exploration of Inequality with Young People and Adults in Dublin, with TU Dublin

    PhD with Centre for Socially Engaged Practice Based Research at TU Dublin. PhD download here: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/appadoc/95/ 


    A Dublin-Based MA in Flux

    Chapter in ‘Uncertain Patterns. Teaching and Learning Socially Engaged Art’, published by HEAD, Geneva, 2019.




    Fiona Whelan and Kevin Ryan under the collective title ‘Two Fuse’, part of the series ‘Sireact – Longings for another Ireland’, Cork University Press, 2018.



    Through the Lens of Power: An Arts-Based Exploration of Power Relations with Young People in Dublin

    Journal article in International Journal of Art and Design Education, 37(4), November 2018.



    The Listening Workshop

    Sample lesson plan in Art as Social Action – An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Teaching Social Practice Art, by Gregory Sholette, Chloe Bass and Social Practice Queens.



    TransActions #2 – Field and Academy: Knowledge and Counter Knowledge in Socially Engaged Art

    (Co edited by Fiona Whelan – NCAD, Dr. Ailbhe Murphy -Create and Helen Carey – Fire Station Artists’ Studios). Published jointly by NCAD, Create and Fire Station Artists’ Studios, June 2017.



    Reflections on FSAS 2016 Summer School

    Essay published in Fire Station Artists’ Studios Publication, June 2017.



    Embracing complexity

    Fiona Whelan, The Visual Arts Newssheet, Sep-Oct ‘16



    Beating the Bounds of Socially-Engaged Art? A Transdisciplinary Dialogue on a Collaborative Art Project with Youth in Dublin, Ireland

    Fiona Whelan & Kevin Ryan, published in Issue 4 of Field – Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism



    Natural History of Hope programme, Project Arts Centre, May 2016

    Download Natural History of Hope programme here


    TransActions #1 – Dublin/Chicago

    Co edited by Fiona Whelan and Glenn Loughran (NCAD) and Jim Duignan (Stockyard Institute). Published jointly by NCAD+UCD and Stockyard Institute Chicago.



    ‘Insider Witness’ in The Visual Artists’ Newssheet, Issue 4 July – August 2015 www.visualartists.ie

    Download ‘Insider Witness’ here


    ‘The Politics of Listening’ in TransActions #1 – a publication by the MA Socially Engaged Art at NCAD, Dublin and Stockyard Institute, Chicago, 2015. TransActions #1 was co curated by Fiona Whelan and Jim Duignan.



    ‘TEN: Territory, Encounter & Negotiation, a critical memoir by a socially engaged artist’, 240 page self published book.

    Purchase ‘TEN’ or read introduction here


    ‘Academy and community: the experience of a college programme in socially engaged practice’, JETA; Journal of Education through Art, Vol 8 No 3

    Co written with Gary Granville, Nuala Hunt and Chris Maguire.



    The Policing Dialogues Review, 24page self published newspaper with Rialto Youth Project, Nov 2016.

    Download ‘The Policing Dialogues Review’ here


    Power and the People, YNow, Winter 2010

    Fiona Whelan charts the journey of What’s the Story? Collective up until their ‘Policing Dialogues’ residency  in The LAB

    Download ‘Power and the People’ here


    Fiona Whelan reports on Suzanne Lacy’s Dublin workshops, Publicart.ie – 2009


    Relational Complexities’, Visual Artists News Sheet Nov/Dec 2009 – Fiona Whelan profiles the University of Ulster’s MA Art in Public for the Nov/Dec ’09 issue of Visual Artists News Sheet.




    RTE Arena, April 2022

    IMMA exhibition Interview with artist Fiona Whelan and community worker Paul Ring, on Arena, RTÉ Radio 1, 12 April 2022. Listen here: https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/clips/22085882/


    Artbeat, Dublin City FM, March 2022.

    Interview about IMMA exhibition with artists Fiona Whelan and Feidlim Cannon, on Artbeat, Dublin City FM, 30 March 2022.


    Free Thought FM, April 2019

    Artist Garrett Phelan interviews Fiona Whelan as part of a temporary radio station based at the Douglas Hyde Gallery exploring access to education and class inequality in Dublin.



    RTE Arena11 May 2016

    Abie Philbin Bowman interviews Fiona Whelan, Gillian O Connor and Audrey Wade about the live performance ‘Natural History of Hope’ at Project Arts Centre.


    Culture Shock, News Talk radio, Sep 2010

    Fionn Davenport interviews Fiona Whelan, Nichola Mooney and Michael Byrne about the ‘Policing Dialogues’ exhibition.


     ‘A partnership preamble’, IN2, 2010

    Artist Fiona Whelan and Jim Lawlor, Manager of Rialto Youth Project discuss their experience of working together over seven years.